American Bryson de Chambeau carded a record round of 12-under 58 to win the LIV Golf Greenbrier. Overall he led the tournament by six strokes with a final score of 23-under 187.
Bryson DeChambeau went from strength to strength in the tournament, showing great resiliency. After a first round in which he placed T25, he had a second day of nine-under 61 that led him to climb 23 places to second place.
However, the LIV Golf Greenbrier had not yet seen the best of Bryson DeChambeau. With a third round of 12-under 58, he took the tournament title by a wide margin. He also broke the 60-stroke barrier for the first time on the LIV Golf circuit and set the record at 58.
Second place was taken by Mito Pereira and third place by Richard Bland, both with excellent scores of -17 and -16, respectively. Both achieved their best results ever in the LIV Golf circuit.
DeChambeau now occupies the fifth place in the individual ranking of the current season in the LIV Golf circuit. The leader after 10 events remains Tylor Gooch, who finished strong at the LIV Golf Greenbrier (11th -13).
The Torque GCs of Mitor Pereira, David Puig and Joaquin Niemann dominated the team competition at the LIV Golf Greenbrier. They beat the Crushers GC of Bryson DeChambeau, Anirban Lahiri and Paul Casey by three strokes.
Below is the final leaderboard for the LIV Golf Greenbrier:
1 Bryson DeChambeau -23
2 Mito Pereira -17
3 Richard Bland -16
4 David Puig -15
5 Matthew Wolff -16
6 Harold Varner III -14
7 Carlos Ortiz -13
8 Dean Burmester -13
9 Branden Grace -13
10 Brendan Steele -13
11 Talor Gooch -13
12 Sergio Garcia -12
13 Bernd Wiesberger -12
14 Scott Vincent -12
15 Cameron Tringale -12
16 Sebastián Muñoz -12
17 Charles Howell III -12
18 Laurie Canter -10
19 Lee Westwood -10
20 Anirban Lahiri -10
21 Abraham Ancer -10
22 James Piot -10
23 Joaquin Niemann -9
24 Jason Kokrak -9
25 Eugenio Chacarra -8
26 Phil Mickelson -8
27 Henrik Stenson -8
28 Louis Oosthuizen -8
29 Graeme McDowell -7
30 Bubba Watson -7
31 Ian Poulter -7
32 Dustin Johnson -6
33 Marc Leishman -6
34 Matt Jones -6
35 Cameron Smith -6
36 Paul Casey -5
37 Patrick Reed -5
38 Thomas Pieters -3
39 Danny Lee -3
40 Peter Uihlein -3
41 Brooks Koepka -3
42 Chase Koepka -2
43 Martin Kaymer -1
44 Kevin Na -1
45 Pat Perez E
46 Sihwan Kim 1
47 Jediah Morgan 1
WD Charl Schwartzel -5
1 Torque GC -49
2 Crushers GC -46
3 Stinger GC -40
4 HyFlyers GC -39
5 Fireballs GC -38
6 RangeGoats GC -36
7 Cleeks GC -36
8 Majesticks GC -34
9 Smash GC -34
10 Iron Heads GC 20
11 Ripper GC -20
12 Aces GC -19
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