Pokemon GO Shiny Shuppet and Shiny Banette guide

With Mega Banette returning to Pokemon GO’s Mega Raids, you will have another chance to get your hands on this rare Ghost-type Pocket Monster. You can encounter Mega Banette in Mega Raids from Friday, October 6, 2023, at 10 am local time. The Mega Raids will be called off on Friday, October 20, 2023, at 10 am local time.

Right after the Mega Banette Raids end, you will be able to participate in Shuppet and Banette PokeStop Showcases in GO. From Friday, October 20, 2023, at 10 am local time through Sunday, October 20, 2023, at 8 pm local time, GO players will be able to participate in this PokeStop Showcase event for Shuppet and Banette.

Make sure you catch a few to increase your chances of winning a place on the podium. Also, these creatures have fantastic shinies. The more you catch, the higher your chances of finding a shiny variant.

In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about Shiny Shuppet and Shiny Banette in this game, including how to catch these creatures and how to evolve Shiny Shuppet into a Shiny Banette.

How to catch Shuppet in Pokemon GO

Shiny Shuppet (Image via Sportskeeda/The Pokemon Company)

Shuppet can be found through random encounters in the wild. While you will not come across any event featuring this floating spirit-like Pocket Monster, you can find it in the wild when you are out on your in-game adventures.

How to catch Banette in Pokemon GO

Like the previous creature, Banette can also be found in the wild. However, this beast can be rare to come by.

But there is no cause for concern, as Mega Banette is coming to Mega Raids in two days. Once you defeat this mega monster, you can catch a Banette.

Furthermore, if you catch a Shuppet, you can evolve it into a Banette by feeding it 50 Shuppet Candies.

Can Shuppet be shiny in Pokemon GO?

Yes. Shuppet has a shiny variant in this game. However, it is very rare. Since Shuppet does not spawn in the wild often, finding a shiny variant can be difficult, although it is not impossible.

How to catch Shiny Shuppet in Pokemon GO

Even though Shuppet is a rare occurrence in the wild, it does not enjoy boosted shiny odds. You can find one Shiny Shuppet out of 512 encounters. The number can vary depending on your luck.

How to catch Shiny Banette in Pokemon GO

Shiny Banette (Image via Sportskeeda/The Pokemon Company)

Shiny Banette has better odds, with it being shiny once out of 68 encounters. However, since Banette is so rare in the wild, it would be challenging for you to hunt one through a random encounter. Thus, you can participate in the Mega Banette raids that are dropping in GO in two days.

What does Shuppet evolve into?

Shuppet has only one stage of evolution, where it turns into a larger dog-like creature called Banette.

How to evolve Shuppet into Banette in Pokemon GO

You will need 50 Shuppet Candies to evolve your Shuppet into a Banette.

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