The world has gotten to know Terra Jole through her appearances on reality television for the past few years. The Little Women L.A. star has been someone who has made a lot of fans, a lot of enemies and a lot of news as she’s been able to show us how she lives and what she’s all about. Most people have a love her or hate her relationship with her, and we like to think it’s because Terra Jole doesn’t see any reason to keep things to herself when she’s feeling them at any particular time in her life. She’s bold, brash and unapologetically herself. We like that about her. We actually really think she’s pretty interesting, and we want to congratulate her on the birth of her new baby boy. She’s a mom for the second time around, and she’s pretty proud of it; and since we like her, we thought we’d share with you some of our favorite tweets from her hilarious mind.
Couldn’t be happier. Check out for all of the details about baby #2 ! Tonight is…
— Terra Jolé (@TerraJole) August 4, 2016
Why Introduce Your Own Baby? Listen, we can hate on celebs all we want for introducing their babies to the world thanks to a magazine or photo shoot with a professional, but when you are a business person, you make money. Selling baby photos and an exclusive story is a way to make money. Can we hashtag future college fund right here?
So I cry a bit, I’m pregnant! Lol. #littlewomenla — Terra Jolé (@TerraJole) August 4, 2016
Honesty is Important
I’m just happy I no longer have this problem. Now I just cry because I have four kids.
The light of my life. How did we get so lucky?
— Terra Jolé (@TerraJole) July 29, 2016
Happiness is Contagious No matter what you do in life, you always have your people there to be your people. They don’t always like you, they don’t always want to agree with you, but they are always your happy place and there is nothing wrong with that.
That’s like asking do I have herpes!!!??? The answer is no. #littlewomenla — Terra Jolé (@TerraJole) July 28, 2016
And Then There’s That
The politically correct answer would have been something along the lines of, “We have our differences even though we might not see eye-to-eye,” but Terra Jole just compared her to Herpes and decided to take the less correct and more honest route with that one. We laughed.
If you want to get pregnant, hang out with us! Lol! #littlewomenla
— Terra Jolé (@TerraJole) July 28, 2016
Like Don’t Drink the Water
Been there. Three years ago when I found out that my third baby was actually twins, one of my favorite friends found out two weeks later that her baby was actually twins, another friend of ours had given birth to twins the month before and another friend found out a month later she was having twins. You want two babies at one time? Hang with us. Or don’t. Probably just don’t.